Wednesday, 10 October 2018


I see you behind me
I see you before me
shadowy figures all
made of earth
Indistinct and unformed
I cannot say what is me
and what is not me.

We are all warmed by the same sun
all fed by one earth
all caressed by the same breeze
all nourished by the same rain.

Hold my hand.
Lead me on the path yet unformed
becoming with each footstep.

We are all droplets bouncing
down one stream
all stones working together
to create one huge monument
all leaves being danced
in one gusty breeze.

We cannot see the patterns we create
the marks we leave.
Yet the stars and the moon see
and clearly delight
in the beauty of unity forming
before them
just as we delight in the patterns
they form on the sharp autumnal night.

Through our physical eyes
we see difference
through our hearts we see
unity and oneness.

Knowing from the heart
all is me
nothing is not me.

© 6 Oct 18

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