Friday, 4 April 2014

Mindfulness and Poetry Workshop

My lovely friend Pete Armstrong and I are holding a day workshop on Mindfulness and Poetry on
Saturday 24th May 2014 as a precursor to a 3-night retreat coming up in July. Here are the details!

"We can write a poem about anything! The practice of mindful awareness enables our mind to be clearer. This can be a starting point for a poem which is then a means of affirming, through words, the insights of the moment. In the workshop we'll provide the tools and exercises to practise and take away with you. And we'll encourage you to write about the things which give joy, and maybe even the things which are troublesome ..."

Time: arrive 9.45am for a 10am start. Finish by 4pm.
Venue: Quaker Meeting House, Meeting House Lane, Lancaster. LA1 1TX. (for directions)
Cost: we ask for donations to cover our costs (suggested rate £15-£20)
Booking: or 015242 62049.

Everyone is welcome, including those who have no experience of mindfulness or poetry.
Please bring your own lunch, or cafes are available nearby.

For details of the retreat (10th-13th July 2014) please go to

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