Saturday, 16 March 2019

What are you listening to?

What is the soundtrack
to your life?
Is it joyful, peaceful or
discordant and edgy?

Is there a narrator
proclaiming your positive deeds
and achievements
or demeaning your efforts and
condemning your every move?

What is the soundtrack
to your life?
How do you meet each happening
each circumstance?
With an open, embracing heart
or a heavy, closed mind?

If you find the soundtrack
disagreeable, too emotional
or not in accord with
your aspirations

change it!

Find a new tune
to dance to
to get you through the day.
Find a new record
that attunes more closely
with how you want to be.

Find it in your heart
listen carefully.
Memorise each phrase
each notation
each rise and fall.

And sing it wholeheartedly
let it fill your being
with love and joy and life.

Let the soundtrack to your life
be that which quickens
your heartbeat
and makes life glorious.

© 15 Mar 19

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