Friday, 22 April 2016

7 Pillars

A different version of the 9 words exercise based on the 7 pillars (Jon Kabat-Zinn's 7 Attitudinal Foundations), also from last weekend's retreat.


I am the willow, gently bending
yielding to the caresses of the wind
fluid, pliable
moving with
instead of resisting.

I am the moon, patiently waiting
for her time to shine.
Gazing down in wonder at the delightful
movements below
the comings and goings
the pushes and pulls
that I gently orchestrate.

I am the rock, solid and steady
a support to rest against
a place to be still
to catch breath.

I am the rain-soaked earth
soft and giving
gentle underfoot
yet supportive and holding.

I am the autumn leaf
willing to let go
as I dance into eternity
free from the tree.

I am the turning earth
allowing, accepting
making no judgements
denying none their rightful place.

I am all these and more
nature exemplifying
qualities I am working towards.

© 17 Apr 16

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