Thursday, 5 September 2013

Last night you crept into my meditation

Last night
you crept into my meditation
and we walked together
hand in hand
and sat together,
but I was disturbed by an
undercurrent of competition
that seems to have run side by side
with our beautiful friendship.
I had a sense of standing
in your shadow and always
being two or three steps behind.

As we sat together
I saw the sense of comparison
was no longer necessary.
We have moved on together,
but your nature is not my nature
and your destiny is not my destiny.
Yet still we are spiritual sisters
and the joy and laughter and pain
we have shared
has nurtured a deep connection.

Last night
you crept into my meditation
and I was given a mirror in which
to see myself clearly,
someone who does not need
to walk in your footsteps,
because I can create footsteps of my own.
And though they diverge
and here we are now
on different continents
in the mirror I see spiritual sisters
who have so much to offer each other
and to nurture each other with.

Last night
you crept into my meditation
and I was glad to see
a friend worthy of loving,
who sees a friend worthy of loving.

© 3 September 2013

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