Saturday 20 June 2020

This is not personal

This is not personal
this dissonance, this mismatch
between you and me.
It is fed by many generations
of not knowing how
to speak love, show love, be love.
It is amplified by
strong expectations, deep disappointments
situations becoming other than expected.
It is sustained by cycles of tough ‘love’
of not knowing that love
is giving freely
without any expectation of returns.
It is fed by learned disappointments
and lack of understanding.

Here is a chance to break these cycles
they are not forged out of steel.
Here is a chance to tread a new path
where to say ‘I love you’
is as natural and easy as
breathing out.
Here is a chance to start afresh
to open a door that seemed closed and
tightly locked.
Here is a chance to tread a new path
to speak love, show love, be love.
© 14 Jun 20

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